I’ve been buying mayonnaise from the store my whole life!

So when I saw this TikTok from Aussie creator Daen Lia on how to make mayonnaise at home I was dumbfounded… the recipe is so easy. Just olive oil, an egg, Dijon mustard, salt, lemon a bit of chilli if that’s your thing, blended together with a stick blender and Bob’s your uncle. I decided to check the comments hoping to see others equally as gobsmacked at how easy it is. Instead I found a mob of angry ‘Tokker’s’… and the reason why is baffling! Apparently there were a few people blissfully unaware of how much oil is in mayo!


@daenskitchen Reply to @thewildhamster mayo 101 #mayonnaise ♬ Roxanne – Instrumental – Califa Azul

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