If your name is close to El or Jimmy (including variations of Ellen and James), it’s your lucky day! El Jimador is calling all the Ellas, Eloises, Elles, Elenas, Jameses, Jimbos or anything close because they’ve got a free Marg with your name on it. The tequila maker has partnered with Tio’s Cerveceria to create a new drink: Jimmy’s Margarita. A the cocktail is a concoction of El Jimador’s blue weber agave blanco tequila, fresh pineapple and zesty lime. So if your name is anything El Jimmy related, head on into Tio’s, show your ID and get a free Marg. The offer is running for the entire month of February, so get sippin’.
Food & Wine
Free Margarita's For El, Jimmy, Ella, Jimbo, Eloise And Anyone In Between!