I know we all think final vows are not the most interesting part of the show but it was definitely saved by Brent’s mic drop moment in his final vows… and Selina’s mum realising in about 5 minutes what her daughter has ignored for weeks.

Selina and Cody are doing a mini homestay, mostly cos producers couldn’t let the opportunity pass to see how her strict parents would take Cody’s general immaturity. Cody walks into Selina’s very adult looking house with no visible disease riddled decor and manages to immediately knock over her lucky coin in the doorway. I would kinda take that as a sign but Selina keeps persisting and takes him to meet her mother (her dad was “at a wedding” – wink, wink, I see you dad and don’t blame you). I love Selina’s parents’ house cos it reminds me of all the old school ethnic houses I grew up in and visited. Cody helps her mother bring out the good china and ironically says “too easy” about 3 seconds before breaking her favourite cup. Is it too easy, Cody, is it? Her mum seems very unimpressed and calls him “very very clumsy”. As they separate before their final vows, Cody gives Selina his gift of a sea otter adoption and two plushies, one for each of them which he hopes will be reunited soon.


Jackson and Olivia separately go talk to their friends and family about Olivia’s issues, everyone of whom can seem to grasp Olivia’s actions better than Jackson. His mum looks unimpressed, and that’s only from hearing Jackson’s rose coloured version of events. I really wonder what she’s thinking watching it all play out and how bad she actually was. I don’t really care to get into the trauma bonding hostage situation (pretty sure I saw Jackson blink twice for help) they tried to masquerade as final vows, except to note that it was kinda satisfying to see Olivia say she loved Jackson and him saying he’s not there yet.







And I cannot stress this one enough:

Brent and Tamara don’t even say goodbye to each other, Brent has had enough which is totally understandable to everyone. While I don’t think Tamara is actually a bad person, she comes across as immature and judgmental, and tbh Olivia’s mean girl toxicity has probably rubbed off on her. I don’t think she would have treated Brent as badly had she been friends with someone mature and respectful like Ella. Tamara tells her friend awkwardly that her mum told her not to call Brent short because it’s not nice, which is kinda obvious? Brent’s mum isn’t impressed at all about how she treated him and eloquently states “F— Tamara”

Tamara and Brent arrive at the final vows very frosty towards each other. Tamara says that he made her realise that materialistic things aren’t what she was looking for but being with him made her feel homesick for her life in Queensland. Brent starts his speech off nicely, saying that Tamara’s energy was very attractive and she could light up a room but that their downward spiral turned her into someone disrespectful, vindictive, spiteful and self absorbed. He states that she doesn’t have any real loyalty to anyone and tells her “you are not God’s gift to humanity so stop looking down on everyone”. He says good luck and good riddance, drops the cards and walks off. Tamara looks visibly taken aback and reverts to a defensive justification of “that’s what she gets told by insecure people all the time” to try cover her bruised ego. Brent says he can walk away with his head held high and we’re all proud of him for knowing his worth.





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