At a recent ‘Supernatural’ fan event in New Jersey Jensen Ackles revealed his long-time co-star Jared Padalecki is recovering from a horrendous car accident.

After telling the crowd Padalecki sends his love and wishes he could be there Ackles revealed “[Jared] was in a very bad car accident. He wasn’t driving, he was in the passenger seat, and he’s lucky to be alive. And not only that, but he’s at home recovering which — the fact that he’s not in a hospital right now is blowing my mind because I saw the car.”

According to People Ackles continued to say Padalecki said the car accident left him feeling he had gone “12 rounds with [Mike] Tyson” and noting the “airbag packs a punch” before asking fans to “keep him in your thoughts, send him some love if you get the chance on social and he’ll be back with us soon”.

Rest up Sam, Dean can’t do it by himself!


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