The start of a new year brings a fresh start and an opportunity to set some goals for the year ahead.

Whether it’s getting healthier, saving money or picking up a new hobby, New Years resolutions can often fall flat by the time February rolls around.

So, here’s our top five tips on how to make those New Years resolutions actually stick!

1. Identify your goals and be picky!

Take some time to sit down and identify what you want to change or accomplish this year. Whether they are short term or long term goals, make sure they’re realistic, attainable and specific. While you may want to lose weight, eat better, save money or quit smoking, experts say the less goals you pick the better! So pick one or two things you want to focus on and go all in.

2. Break goals into small steps

According to the experts, if you break your goals down into small, achievable steps, you’ll be more likely to achieve them. Take the time to write down each specific step it will take you to carry out your goal and create a checklist to set yourself up for success.


3. Identify Obstacles

Setting goals always comes with it’s own set of obstacles but if you can identify what might come in the way of you achieving your goals, you can make a game plan to get ahead of them. If your goal is to eat healthier, you could start by writing a grocery list or creating a healthy meal plan to avoid the temptation of going back into old habits.

4. Schedule your goals

Experts say you will be more likely to achieve your goals if you make a plan about when you’re going to achieve them. If you’re wanting to start going to the gym three times a week, set a date for when you want to achieve this and schedule your gym sessions in your calendar.


5. Give your resolutions time to become a habit

It takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, so go easy on yourself! If you have minor setbacks or don’t hit your goal one week, keep working on your goal to allow it to grow into a habit.

Another helpful tip is to tell a support person in your life about your goals to help keep you accountable and also finding a way to reward yourself as your achieve your goals to keep you motivated.

Good luck, you got this!

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